Artist statement
My artistic journey and exploration is rooted in the connectedness to my own experiences and observations of life in all its appearances. The re- emergence in my art allows the accidental and the process to influence my choice of material and style.
Sculpture, assemblages and printmaking anchors my practice firmly in a material based and physical approach rooted in the tangible environment. It is an exploration and discovery in combining and balancing shapes, form and mass . The interest in the inherent challenges of specific materials and techniques means expressing content whilst respecting and pushing limitations and translation .
As counterpoint drawing and painting allows for immediacy and spontaneity.
Colour intensity and movement in painting are a fascination to me, enabling a translation of my visual, auditory and mental or emotional impressions, creating abstract or imaginary/ representational spaces and journeys . Within the drawing process my emphasis is on rhythm expressed through line , tone and weight, in playfulness and mental reflection or as focussed observational meditation.
Conscious how human experience can only perceive and understand fractions of the whole that transcend physical appearance, words and concepts, I strive to capture fragments of it in my personal perception as specific moments in the artistic process.
Changes in my work and material are influenced by diverse and various experiences and research through music, literature, poetry and gardening with the wider field of vision of environment and ecology. Collaborative practice interacting with specific groups of society also leaves traces in abstract or figurative imagery.
My perception of the world around me and understanding the volatility of human condition within the interconnectedness of all life is explored in the existing tension between change or permanence, between culture and nature, movement and stillness and shapes the artistic outcome.